Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jawala Ji Temple, Jawalamukhi (Himachal Pradesh)

Jai Maa Jawala Ji
jai mata di......jai mata di......jai mata di.....jai mata di......jai mata di......jai mata di


Jawala Ji temple is one of the 51 Shaktipeeths of India, It is situated in the lap of Shivalik range of Kangra valley called "Kalidhar". This is believed to be the first ever temple built by the Pandavas. Jawala ji is a Devi Temple Dedicated to the "GODDESS OF LIGHT", located in Jawala Mukhi, district Kangra of Himachal Pradesh.

Jawala Ji has an unique characteristic of perpetual flames emanating from the rock at temple site being considered the manifestation of Goddess.Jawala Ji as a center of faith is unparallel and unique. There is no deity or idol that is worshiped. It has the series of jets of inflammable natural flames since times immemorial believed to be the symbol of Goddess. Jawala Ji is a great heritage centre for not only the people of Jawala Mukhi, Kangra or Himachal Pradesh but of the whole world. During March to April and September to October every year colourful fairs are held during the Navaratra celebrations.

Jawala Ji is a famous temple of Goddess Jawalamukhi, the deity of flaming mouth, believed to be the manifestation of the Goddess Sati. The building is made with a gilt dome and pinnacles, and possesses a beautiful folding door of silver plates, presented by Sikh Raja Kharak Singh. This silver door so struck Lord Hardinge that he had a model made of it. Maharaja Ranjit Singh presented the gilt roof in 1815 AD. The interior of the temple consists of a square pit about 3 feet deep with a pathway all around. In the middle, the rock is hollowed out over a primary fissure of a flame considered to be the fiery mouth of Mahakali. The flames escape at several other points from the crevics of the wall of the pit. There are nine flames in total representing following different forms of Goddess:-
1. Maa Saraswati
2. Maa Annapurna
3. Maa Chandi
4. Maa Hing Laj
5. Maa Vindhya Vasini
6. Maa Mahalakshmi
7. Maa Mahakali
8. Maa Ambika
9. Maa Anjana

"Main Temple " (www.jawalaji.uni.cc)


Ancient legends speak of a time when demons lorded over the Himalaya mountains and harassed the gods. Led by Lord Vishnu, the gods decided to destroy them. They focused their strengths and huge flames rose from the ground. From that fire, a young girl took birth. She is regarded as Adishakti-the first 'shakti'.
Known as Sati or Parvati, she grew up in the house of Prajapati Daksha and later, became the consort of Lord Shiva. Once her father insulted Lord Shiva and unable to accept this, she killed herself. When Lord Shiva heard of his wife's death his rage knew no bounds and holding Sati's body he began stalking the three worlds. The other gods trembled before his wrath and appealed to Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu let fly a volley of arrows which struck Sati's body and severed it to pieces. At the places where the pieces fell, the fifty-one sacred 'shaktipeeths' came into being. "Sati's tongue fell at Jawalaji (610 m) and the goddess is manifest as tiny flames that burn flawless blue through fissures in the age-old rock".

It is said that centuries ago, a cowherd found that one of his cows was always without milk. He followed the cow to find out the cause. He saw a girl coming out of the forest who drank the cow's milk, and then disappeared in a flash of light. The cowherd went to the king and told him the story. The king was aware of the legend that Sati's tongue had fallen in this area. The king tried, without success, to find that sacred spot. Again, some years later, the cowherd went to the king to report that he had seen a flame burning in the moutains. The king found the spot and had darshan (vision) of the holy flame. He built a temple there and arranged for priests to engage in regular worship. It is believed that the Pandavas came later and renovated the temple. The folk song that "Panjan Panjan Pandavan Tera Bhawan Banaya" bears testimony to this belief. Raja Bhumi Chand first built the temple.

Jawalamukhi has since times immemorial turned out to be a great pilgrimage centre. The Mughal Emperor Akbar once tried to extinguish the flames by covering them with an iron disk and even channelizing water to them. But the flames blasted all these efforts. Akbar then presented a golden parasol (chattar) at the shrine.

"chatter presented by Akbar"
However, his cynicism at the power of devi caused the gold to debase into another metal which is still unknown to the world. His belief in the deity was all the more strengthened after this incident. Thousands of pilgrims visit the shrine round the year to satisfy their spiritual urge.

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